Audrey Nickle presents at GRS/GRC on FGF Signaling
Audrey Nickle gave a platform presentation at the Gordon Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference on FGF Signaling.
Audrey Nickle gave a platform presentation at the Gordon Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference on FGF Signaling.
Congratulations to Audrey Nickle on being awarded an F31 Predoctoral Fellowship from NIDCR. Read more in the Dean’s Bi-Weekly Message!
Lauren Bobzin, Audrey Nickle, and Aaron Huang presented posters at the 2022 USC Dentistry Research Day. Visit the Research Day website to view their posters.
Amy Merrill has been named a recipient of the 2022 USC Mentoring Award for mentoring graduate students. Fight on!
Audrey Nickle gave a platform presentation at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology in October 2021.