2016 news

December 2016

~NEW PUB on signaling networks in joint development is now published online in Developmental Dynamics.

November 2016

~NEW PUB on the dynamic regulation of ribosome biogenesis during osteoblast differentiation is published online in GENE. 

October 2016

~NEW PUB with the Klein Lab on modeling congenital disorders of the skeleton is published in Human Molecular Genetics.

~NEW PUB with Krakow Lab and collaborators on the postnatal features of Bent Bone Dysplasia syndrome is published in American Journal of Medical Genetics.

September 2016

~Diana is awarded an NIH NIDCR Supplement to Support Diversity in Science

~Lauren is awarded a fellowship on USC’s NIH NIDCR T90 training grant in Craniofacial Biology.

July 2016

~NEW PUB with the Trainor Lab on the role of RNA Polymerase I and III subunits on craniofacial development and disease is published in PLOS Genetics.

June 2016

~Amy speaks at the Gordon Research Seminar on FGF signaling.

~Amy speaks at the Odd Pols meeting on RNA Polymerases I, III, IV, and V.

April 2016

~Amy speaks at the American Association of Anatomists meeting.

~Goodbye Xioajing!  Good luck at the University of Maryland! We will miss you!

March 2016

~Ryan wins 2nd Place Poster Award at Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC Research Day.

~Amy speaks at the Gordon Research Conference on Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Regeneration.

January 2016

~Cynthia successfully defends her thesis!  Congratulations Dr. Neben!

~Goodbye Cynthia. Good luck at UCSF! We will miss you!